Words of thanks from the black sheep (filmworks ;)
This fall has made me feel very grateful. I know it’s Thanksgiving and you are probably overly tired of hearing “What are you thankful for?” But wait…just one more, from your favorite black sheep filmmaker. I am grateful for the obvious things like my family, my health, my friends, my clients, my country, having a roof over my head, shoes on my feet and running water. All of the aforementioned bring so much to me, that I can’t quite comprehend my good luck.
I just returned from POSH, a retreat for female filmmakers in Scottsdale, Arizona. POSH was started three years ago by two friends of mine, Jennifer Moon of Northernlight Filmworks and Reagan Zuguelter of Studio Z films as a way to bring female filmmakers and photographers together for continuing education, networking and FUN. I have attended two POSH events, last year in Cancun and this year at the Valley Ho in Scottsdale. WOW! These uber talented ladies astounded me with their creativity, technical abilities and unabashed willingness to share all of the above. There were no “stupid” questions and the playing field was level. There were female filmmakers/photogs who were brand new to the video biz and those with 20 years of experience. We learned the “WHY” of lens choice, how to improve our branding and how to Glidecam like a ninja. We filmed with Amina and Joyce of Stillmotion, delved into corporate filmmaking AND learned to Glidecam with Cristina Valdivieso. Marketing and streamlining our work flow were deconstructed with skill and infectious energy by the amazing Meg Simone. Lens Pro to Go’s Meg Rodney brought tons of great lenses and other techie goodies for us to play with (she also sings a mean Bohemian Rhapsody karaoke style)….and that’s just a smattering of our “celebration of cinematography”;) We even did Yoga every morning! Each presentation was inspired and the round table discussions that followed left us with so many new ideas to bring our businesses and ourselves to the next level. We learned, hiked, shared and partied hard. It went by too fast. It made me realize what great female filmmaker friends I have and how lucky I am. The POSH experience made me grateful for all that I have and I that I can share. I have the best job and the best clients who become friends. I also have filmmaker and photog friends who inspire, challenge and LIKE me. After being in the wedding video/event filmmaking industry for 20+ years I still love what I do. Continuing educational retreats like POSH are a big part of that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the organizers, presenters and attendees.
Here’s a few pics from POSH 2012, and a link to their site for anyone who wants to join in the festivities for 2013. POSH
I’m also posting the video that I created (with the help of the amazing Yone Hauseman) for a contest to win a seat at POSH 2012. I won! Many thanks to all those that voted and supported me and beoucoup thanks to Don Pham of DP Slider, who sponsored the contest. Yes, every POSH needs a little black sheep…filmworks that is!
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Cheers!