Should your wedding “go to the dogs”?
Canines, canines…everywhere! And I as the wedding filmmaker and loyal Australian Cattle Dog mama, LOVE IT! In 22 years of capturing my lovelies’ best days, some of the most resonant moments have come from my four legged friends. They have acted as ring dog, flower grrrl, bride’s pups etc… Dogs wear their hearts on their furry sleeves, and they keep it real.
Here are a few tips for making your wedding a happy day for you and your fur baby:
1. Make sure they have a handler that they are comfortable with, who knows the dog. This should not be the bride or groom.
2. Keep their time at the wedding short. They can walk or be carried down the aisle, and then be seated with said handler. Some dogs can handle being at the altar, but some will desperately try to get front and center with their pack. A whining, jumping, drooling pup can be quite a distraction, not to mention hell on tulle.
3. Tucson’s warmth can be difficult for non-desert dogs. Our British Bulldog and bride’s grrrl, Savannah, was driven to Tucson (from New Jersey!) by her Mom (our bride Gretchen) because they knew she had to be “climate controlled” for her journey. Their wedding was at the gorgeous Ritz Carlton Dove Mountain in late December, and the weather was a sunny and mild 70 degrees. Perfect for a dog that is known to overheat.
4. Bring treats! Especially if you have a “food motivated” pup (and who doesn’t?!). This will also keep the begging and eating of non-canine approved foods to a minimum. Remember, those hors d’oeuvres will be very tasty, but can cause quite a bit of tummy upset in your dog. THAT is NOT something you want to deal with on your wedding night…
5. ETSY! Find a cute orange bow tie like Spike had at Gina and William’s INCREDIBLE Arizona Inn wedding.
Or contact your florist, and get a great pearl and flower ensemble like Savannah had at Gretchen and Eric’s Ritzy nuptials, courtesy of the AHHHmazing Colleen LaFleur (LaFleur Plantscapes +Fresh Flora).
Having a wedding with some spicy, latin flair? Well then, YES, a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel can be carried down the aisle in a sombrero. Be creative, have fun with it…just try on the wedding flair and make sure the sombrero fits at the rehearsal, leaving some time for adjustments before the “big day.”
6. If you have too big of a pack to bring, consider having them on your cake. As a cake topper! Tonya and Dan are the proud owners of too many to mention rescued dogs, including a Siberian Husky and a few pit bulls. They couldn’t bring them all, so they had cake toppers made of their pups. ALSO, one of the best uses of table numbers I have ever seen was at this uber incredible day at Reflections at the Buttes. Each table number had a photograph of a dog from a local shelter, and their name was your table. The best part? All of the dogs were waiting to be adopeted! I know at least a few dogs found homes that night. As the Mom of a shelter dog and cat, I LOVE that idea.
7. Any dog who is nervous, a “nipper”, doesn’t like a lot of people, kids etc…should probably not be at your wedding. He will be happier at home, with a sitter. He can watch your wedding film later. I’ll send dog treats along with the flash drives 😉